109 East 17th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001


Secure Sovereign Ministries is a private congregation of sovereign individuals who gather together to co-create peaceful, digital freedom tools for ourselves and others seeking similar freedoms.



We collectively direct the manifestation of Benevolent Technical Intelligence required for sustainable relationship between ourselves, the natural world and a new, parallel reality.  In this new paradigm, each individual stands in his or her own power, free from outside governance and imposition, knowing that no-one is going to save them, they must save themselves. 


Imposition & Surveillance Disruptor

The Secure, Decentralized, Censorship-Resistant, Sovereign Platform for your Future

Detecting Current Autonomy of your Connection79%



Is this your Community on Lockdown?

What if you could communicate with like-minded people

on your cell phone, in a secure environment, about topics that you care about, without the imposition of prying eyes or ears, without being restrained in what you want to say, and without any chance of being deplatformed or cancelled?

Now there is a way! SecureSovereign


You know it’s coming.

You just don’t know in what form it will take.

But you know it will most certainly impact you. 

With Covid 19 all but behind us, are you prepared for the Next Event*?

*(Event choices include: Imposition, Mandate, Infringement, Censorship, etc.)

Cloaking Device for your Phone

At SecureX, we are creating the SecureSovereign platform and a bevy of related “cloaking” tools on the blockchain. You’ll need these to weather the next storm of tyranny. Whatever imposition arrives, you’ll have the sovereign tools of autonomy needed for survival, via an app on your iPhone or Android phone.





Your SecureSovereign Tools

-Identify your community, those that think like you and with whom you’d like to associate and communicate; and

-Communicate between the members of that community in methods that cannot be surveilled upon, and on platforms that cannot cancel you; and

-Move your money electronically between your bank account and your Bitcoin, without a 3rd party holding your tokens for you; and

-Pre-establish automatic distribution of your Bitcoin and other electronic assets (deeds, etc.) to your beneficiaries in the event of your demise!

Crowd Funding Campaign

SecureSovereign will launch a campaign on Indiegogo.com on or about March 15, 2022. 

As a contributor, you’ll receive your tools and have a unique position within the company to vote on the prioritization of new Sovereign tools currently in line for development. You will be an integral part of bringing this exciting platform to Humanity… and, hopefully, just in time!



Short Summary

If you are like most people, you are fed up, period. You are tired of:

  • A narrative that makes no sense; that is blatantly malevolent.
  • Having your constitutional rights imposed upon.
  • Being told how to manage your health care.
  • Being constantly and secretly surveilled.
  • Being cancelled and/or de-platformed.
  • Being constantly told what you should believe and what you can and cannot say. 

The SecureSovereign blockchain platform app for your smartphone provides the User:

  • Secure, decentralized, censorship-resistant, sovereign platform for your future.
  • Provides secret and secure access to both centralized and decentralized websites.
  • Provides access to the new Web3 Dapps (Decentralized Applications).
  • Provides secret and secure text and direct messaging, and email messaging.
  • Enables you to create your blockchain secret and secure profile and handle.
  • Enables you to establish personal (secret and secure) attributes that you can use to search and/or attract like-minded individuals and create like-minded communities with which to communicate secretly and securely.
  • Facilitates secret and secure storage for your Bitcoin: your keys, your coins.
  • Facilitates threshold alerts for the everchanging value of your Bitcoin.
  • Facilitates automated distribution of your Bitcoin to your pre-designated beneficiaries.
  • Alleviates your stress about what happens to your wealth the day you don’t come home.

    The SecureSovereign blockchain platform app for your smartphone provides your Intentional Community:

    • SecureAgora benefits,  including an Energy Exchange Ledger to integrate and track all contributions to the community by each member.

The SecureSovereign Platform is brought to you by SecureX Blockchain Technologies:

  • We have over a half century of high tech experience on our team.
  • Our blockchain and crypto guys have launched several products since 2012.
  • The SecureSovereign campaign is our most important initiative, ever!
  • Your contribution includes the ability to help us prioritize various new disruptive tools.
  • Cloaking your online activity going forward is essential to your survival!
  • You will be participating in a Private Member Association! 

What We Need & What You Get

Your contribution gets you long-term use of the SecureSovereign app and voting rights (via included Advisory Tokens) to help us prioritize the feature builds and releases going forward:

  • The majority ($3M) of our $5M raise goes to blockchain software development.
  • About $1M will go to marketing the SecureSovereign.com app and related tools. 
  • The final $1M will go to legal fees, incurred as we navigate the future of our offering.
  • If we are unable to meet these planned contribution requirements, we will still complete the app (about 30% complete at this point) and make it available as soon as possible. 

The Impact

This SecureSovereign platform secures your sovereignty now, providing the confidence that you are able to navigate impositions, while informing the SecureAbundance platform of the future- soon you will be able to automatically watch, rank and disclose the most trustworthy: 

  • Voting in Elections (SecureDecision.com)
  • Products – goods and services (SecureProduct.com);
  • Companies – policies and salaries (SecureCompany.com);
  • Reporters – media reporters & critical-thinking Citizen watchers alike (SecureReport.com);
  • Candidates (SecureCampaign.com);
  • Health and well-being of a Community on several levels (SecureVitality.com); 
  • Health, well-being and resource wealth of our planet (SecureGlobal.com).

Risks & Challenges

We have significant risks and challenges with this campaign:

  • We are truly blessed with the recent advent of blockchain technology, in time to build this and preserve your Sovereignty.  It is, however, a new technology.  We are proficient.
  • We expect several attempts will occur to de-platform our messaging as we attempt to attract the involvement and assistance of you and those like you.  We will adapt.
  • We do not have an answer regarding our Advisory Token (SECX), which underpins our blockchain network and enables you to help us by voting on feature prioritization.  Will it ever become available as a retail Cryptocurrency?  Only the SEC and time will tell. 

Watch the high-level walk through of SecureSovereign: